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Intelligent Document Processing with Template-free Approach

Intelligent Document Processing for employee engagement and customer satisfaction

Intelligent Document Processing-led Intelligent Automation is essentially a low code/no code automation platform. It brings unstructured data and free-text in the purview of end-to-end automation. It extracts unstructured data from documents and makes it usable for integration with business systems for further processing. It improves the sense of employee engagement as business users are able to automate their own processes. 

Intelligent Document Processing, which is an inherent component of Intelligent Automation or Cognitive Automation, improves enterprise agility and productivity. It accelerates and scales up operations involving documents with free-text or unstructured data. It supports business agility through an innovative approach and provides an improved business user experience and customer satisfaction.

The solution is scalable and deployable on-premise as well as on cloud. The technology enables teams to work in collaboration across geographies that in effect exponentially improves business productivity and efficiency. Intelligent Document Processing is an important component of the Intelligent Automation ensemble that makes end-to-end automation a business reality.

Intelligent Document Processing uses AI/ML algorithms and models to recognize keywords, and their synonyms, usually found at a particular location in a document and extract the data associated with that keyword/field. The models become more intelligent with each batch-load processing thus improving accuracy and speed. The template-free approach eliminates the need to update the rules associated with the templates frequently. It enables end-to-end automation in the Intelligent Automation paradigm by bringing paper and unstructured data in the automation purview.

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Key Takeaways

Intelligent Document Processing is deployable on-premise and cloud. With AI/ML-powered, template-free approach it brings free-text documents in the ambit of end-to-end automation.

It helps integrate unstructured data with business systems and supports business agility through a low code - no code automation platform and is highly scalable horizontally and vertically.

It improves employee engagement as business users can automate their own processes. It exponentially improves enterprise productivity and efficiency by manifolds.

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