Data Capturing Of Import Collection Documents For A European Bank using Intelligent Document Processing Case Study
Case Study

TruCap+ Automates Data Capturing Of Import Collection Documents For A European Bank


Norway's largest financial services group


Banking & Financial Services


The bank received the import collection documents like letter of credit, covering letter, invoices, certificate of origin, etc. from the exporting banks in multiple formats which was unstructured and the client wanted to capture data from various unstructured documents related to each Trade Finance case in the ERP system and sanction payment.


Datamatics analyzed the bank’s IT environment vis-avis their current business requirement and deployed Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) solution, TruCap+ powered by Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing (NLP).

The integrated AI in TruCap+ helps to scan the content in an unstructured format (text and paragraph form), read, decipher, and capture information fields, such as currency, amount, LC number, etc.


800% Faster than manual process - Intelligent Document Processing  (IDP) Solutions Case Study


Faster than manual process

90% Enhancement of Productivity - Intelligent Document Processing  (IDP) Solutions Case Study


Enhancement of Productivity

50% Reduction in operational expenditure - Intelligent Document Processing  (IDP) Solutions Case Study


Reduction in operational expenditure

100% Accuracy achieved - Intelligent Document Processing  (IDP) Solutions Case Study


Accuracy achieved

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