Mobile App To Provide Real-Time Updates On Carbon Credits Case Study
Case Study

Mobile App To Provide Real-Time Updates On Carbon Credits


An international affairs organisation that focuses on stabilizing greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere


International Organization

Mobile App Development Case Study


The client wanted a Mobile App for Android and iOS phones to provide real-time updates to end-customers about carbon credits.

They wanted to update content listings in the app at the backend without submitting a new build to the store.


After performing thorough requirement analysis, Datamatics provided upgradation of the hard-coded feed lists in the application to improve the client’s existing mobile app’s Static feed to Dynamic feed and Integration of OneSignal (free) service to provide a dashboard to generate customized push messages into the application.


100% Engagement - Mobile App Development Case Study

100% Engagement

Through live updates to end-customers using Push Notifications

Real Time mobile app development case study

Successful Launch

Before the live event