Maintenance And Support Services For A Leading Publishing House In USA Case study
Case Study

Maintenance And Support Services For A Leading Publishing House In USA


A multinational mass media and information firm that operates in more than 100 companies


Media & Publishing

Maintenance And Support Services For A Leading Publishing House In USA


All the operations of the client were carried out manually so they wanted to adopt digital content preparation and distribution strategy and improve granularity in content conversion to XML.

They wanted to collate the information which was scattered in the organization and wanted to transform the information in a defined layout.


Datamatics designed an integrated solution to facilitate the automatic publishing and processing of unformatted information in a defined layout.

Datamatics applied Diamond framework to aggregate and normalize the content, process information in real-time, develop & maintain news & business content processing modules (device and driver DLLs) for publishing unformatted content in a defined layout


Reduction in time and cost


In time and cost for information processing

Automation of unformatted information


Of processing and publishing of unformatted information in a defined layout

Quality Improvement

Quality Improvement

Leading to additional benefits, such as higher customer satisfaction